
Ear Infections and Chiropractic

Ear infections. They are unrelenting and unfortunately chronic most of the time. We clean their ears repeatedly and do everything right, yet they just keep coming back. Why? Well I’m here to shed a little light on this and also explain…

The Importance of Proper Alignment

What does alignment have to do with anything? This is a question that gets asked at least daily in our chiropractic practice. Our answer is simple; alignment has to do with everything. We realize this may sound like a bit of an exaggeration,…
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People Food and Our Overweight Pets

Overweight animals are 99% of the time their humans fault. Let's take a moment and examine why...Feeding human food to our pets. We’re all guilty of it, a little chicken here, some potato chips there, a bit of scrambled egg in the morning.…
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Myasthenia Gravis: A More Detailed Look Inside

Myasthenia Gravis is likely something you have heard in humans, but are perhaps unfamiliar with in animals. Much like the majority of human diseases and conditions, it is seen across species - although it may present itself a bit differently.…
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Diabetes Mellitus: Natural Prevention and Protection

When one thinks of diabetes mellitus (Type II Diabetes), the mind does not naturally wander to our pets. The rate of diabetes among humans is skyrocketing, but did you know the same is happening in the pet community? Our pets are reflections…
lick granuloma
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The Lick Granuloma: Redness, Swelling, And Lesions Oh MY!

The Lick Granuloma Story: One minute everything looks fine and the next your pets paw is red, oozing pus, and angrily inflamed. How did you not notice this? There’s a huge red lesion (a lick granuloma) on the foot that appears to have…

Is Scoliosis Linked to Abnormal Spinal Fluid Flow?

Today we have the great pleasure of having a guest blogger, someone you may have heard of in a few of our other posts, Dr. Grant Tully (the human chiropractor). Dr. Tully practices out of Rochester Hills, Michigan and is our go-to guy…
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Glucosamine, The Joint Saver

Is it ever too early to start supporting your pet’s joint health? Certainly not! Being a pet owner, you have probably heard of the supplement glucosamine, however, you might have thought this was only needed in elderly animals. You…
Urinary Incontinence
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Urinary Incontinence...A Structural Issue?

Urinary incontinence is something that happens much more often than pet owners realize, and could perhaps be helped through alternative therapies rather than more drastic conventional measures. Whether your pet is elderly or a young stud,…
Aggression vs Pain in Dogs

Aggression vs. Pain

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of misunderstanding when it comes to “aggression” in animals.They get blacklisted as aggressive, fearful, and even mean, when in reality only a portion of these animals have those behavioral traits.…
Dog Cruciate Injur
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The Cruciate Injury...

The dreaded cruciate tear, something every dog owner fears. Well I’m here to tell you a bit more about this cruciate ligament tear, what options you have, and hopefully lighten the mood a little bit. There is no doubt about it, tearing…
Natural Flee & Tick Prevention
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Flea & Tick Prevention...The Natural Way!

Flea and tick prevention is absolutely critical for many animal owners. Whether you have a dog, an outdoor cat, a horse, or a micropig, preventing these nasty little bugs from sucking the lifeblood from your little one is imperative to…
Alternative Therapy for Hip Dysplasia
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Alternative Therapy for Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is becoming an all too common problem for canines today. What was once a rarity is now a regular diagnosis, affecting an approximate 4 percent of the canine population. There are many theories as to why hip dysplasia has suddenly…
Keep Off Grass

Keep Off The Grass!!

Have you noticed any changes in your pet’s behavior this summer? Perhaps they are a bit more agitated, maybe they’re lethargic all of a sudden, they’ve made grass eating a habit, diarrhea is happening more often than not, and/or…
Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia

Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia

Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia (IMT) is not an uncommon condition found in the equine, canine, and rarely feline world. This disease recently plagued a very dear friend of mine and after seeing it take a four year old husky far too…