Sammy & Snickers

Sammy & Snickers, Where The Tales Begin

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Sammy and Snickers, two members of the Cole household and the best looking by far. We are here to tell you some stories our mom has been sharing with us about some of her patients. Now we will do…
Aggression vs Pain in Dogs

Aggression vs. Pain

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of misunderstanding when it comes to “aggression” in animals.They get blacklisted as aggressive, fearful, and even mean, when in reality only a portion of these animals have those behavioral traits.…
Dog Cruciate Injur
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The Cruciate Injury...

The dreaded cruciate tear, something every dog owner fears. Well I’m here to tell you a bit more about this cruciate ligament tear, what options you have, and hopefully lighten the mood a little bit. There is no doubt about it, tearing…
Natural Flee & Tick Prevention
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Flea & Tick Prevention...The Natural Way!

Flea and tick prevention is absolutely critical for many animal owners. Whether you have a dog, an outdoor cat, a horse, or a micropig, preventing these nasty little bugs from sucking the lifeblood from your little one is imperative to…
Alternative Therapy for Hip Dysplasia
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Alternative Therapy for Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is becoming an all too common problem for canines today. What was once a rarity is now a regular diagnosis, affecting an approximate 4 percent of the canine population. There are many theories as to why hip dysplasia has suddenly…
Keep Off Grass

Keep Off The Grass!!

Have you noticed any changes in your pet’s behavior this summer? Perhaps they are a bit more agitated, maybe they’re lethargic all of a sudden, they’ve made grass eating a habit, diarrhea is happening more often than not, and/or…
Saddle Thrombus

A Look Inside Saddle Thrombus

I’d like to take a moment to touch upon a condition that is not new but has been popping up a bit more frequently called “saddle thrombus”. Normally I try to write articles pertaining to the vast majority of our furry friends, however,…
Animal Paraplegia
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A Look Inside Paraplegia

One condition that truly breaks my heart and has become more prevalent lately involves partial paralysis. Sometimes you’ll see or hear about dogs with three limbs, cats missing legs, and animals in wheelcarts. The last of these tends…
Animal Choking Hazard
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Animal Choking Hazard...

Choking. A topic not necessarily discussed often in the animal world, though it definitely should be. The reason I find it imperative to discuss is because of my own experience that occurred just last week. Our little Gizmo nearly suffocated…
Is Your Pet Dehydrated

Is Your Pet Dehydrated?

Lately I’ve noticed a big difference between all the animals in my household in the amount of water they drink. One of my cats daintily sips her water, playing with it more than anything else. Another will practically dunk his head into…
Why Do Discs Rupture
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Why Do Discs Rupture??

With disc disease becoming all too prevalent among our animals, one might begin to wonder-what exactly could be the cause? Why does a disc begin to bulge, herniate, or rupture completely? More often than not, we are told that a ruptured…