Sammy & Snickers

Sammy & Snickers, Where The Tales Begin

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Sammy and Snickers, two members of the Cole household and the best looking by far. We are here to tell you some stories our mom has been sharing with us about some of her patients. Now we will do…
To Lather or Not To Lather

To Lather or Not To Lather

How to Keep Your Pet Safe During Bath Time: Did you know that every time you lather up your pet you could in fact be introducing a whole round of toxins into their body? Probably not! The reality is that many commercial products for cleaning…
Why Isn't One Adjustment Enough
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The Reason Why ONE Adjustment Is Rarely Enough!

Why Isn't One Adjustment Enough? A question I have been asked time and time again, thus I’ve had plenty of time to truly perfect my answer. The answer in itself is simple. Nothing natural comes instantly. Whether you have started taking…
Pet Treat Options
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Adding Variety to Your Treat Options

Obesity - not only has this become an epidemic in humans but also in our animals. One of the biggest issues I’ve come across working with animals is simply how easy it is for them to get far too chunky. Our pets are entirely dependent on us…
Life Can't Happen Without Liver

Why Life Can't Happen Without the Liver

This article has been inspired by several of our animal clients that have been dealing with liver disease. We all know the importance of this organ; in fact there is a phrase that goes “one cannot LIVE, without the LIVEr”. The liver…
Tear Staining
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All About Tear Staining

Don’t cry for me little Fido or Fiona… You may have noticed that certain animals have a tendency to express their tears more noticeably than others. That’s not to say that these four-legged fur babies are exceedingly sad or defective,…
Shaking Dog Leg
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Do the Shaky Leg...

Ever notice your dog start to shake without reason? I’m referencing a shake that isn’t occurring out of fear, anxiety, or distress. This kind of shaking is strictly an uncontrollable one that begins and ends randomly, and doesn’t…
Homemade Bone Broth for Health
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Homemade Bone Broth for Health!

Not only is she a naturopath-to-be, Erica is also a great home cook. Beyond the standards cupcakes, lasagnas, and bon-bons, Erica makes a mean bone broth. You may be wondering what on earth is a bone broth and why is it so very important…
Essential Oils For Pets
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Essential Oils For People & Pets

Essential oils have become quite popular with people and as such their fur babies may be getting second hand benefits through the house diffuser. If you're interested in adding an essential oil into your pets regimen, there are a lot of…
Fun-Filled Activities For Winter

Fun-Filled Activities For Winter

Winter is here in full force and you may be content sitting on your couch sipping cocoa and watching television, however I doubt your pooch feels the same. Even with bone chilling temperatures raging across the state, our four-legged friends…
Braces & Chiropractic
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Braces & Chiropractic: An Unsuspected Commonality

I know it seems a touch strange to compare chiropractic care to dental care, but bear with me; soon you’ll be able to see the connection. Something I run into a lot when it comes to chiropractic is the statement “once you start seeing…