Sammy & Snickers

Sammy & Snickers, Where The Tales Begin

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Sammy and Snickers, two members of the Cole household and the best looking by far. We are here to tell you some stories our mom has been sharing with us about some of her patients. Now we will do…
Veggies For Animals
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Don't Forget Your Veggies...Especially For Fido!

For years there's been a debate on whether or not animals need a supplemental amount of roughage in the diet. We here at AAC give two huge paws and hooves up to vegetables and encourage all clients to hand down some carrots and apples when their…
Transitioning Your Cat To A RAW Diet

Transitioning Your Cat To A RAW Diet

Ever been curious on how to get your fussy kitty to switch to a raw diet? Our residential blogger of Handi-Cat Melanie Lusnak was certainly curious and decided to bust out the big guns and ask WWJTD (What would Jill Tack do?). See what she suggested…
Wobbler Disease

Wobbler Disease

What exactly is Wobbler disease? If you are a horse owner, you may be quite familiar with the disease. Did you know, however, that Wobbler disease is no stranger to canines? Let’s take a deeper look. What is Wobbler Syndrome? Wobbler…
Animal Discs
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Let's Discuss Discs.

The intervertebral disc is so small, yet it plays such a large part in our anatomy. The disc has multiple purposes, such as shock absorption and cushioning, and is an integral part of the spine. Without the disc, we would not be able…
Animal Turning Pink
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Why Is My Pooch Turning Pink?

If you have a white animal or one with very little hair then you may know what I’m talking about. My dog is a tricolor hound mix, and I’ve noticed that throughout the day he is like a mood ring, or at least his belly is! First thing…
Coconut Oil

KooKoo For Coconut Oil!

It would seem that coconut oil has become one of the hottest used products in the past few years. This oil is like the superman of oils. Not only can it be use for cooking and baking, it can also be used in a person’s daily routine. Whether…
Prosthetics For Your Pet
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Prosthetics For Your Pet

Ever considered adopting an animal with special needs? Concerned about the time, the expense, and the potential heartbreak? Most people look at a special needs animal and feel a tug on their heartstrings, however, most people will continue…
First Aid For Your Furry Friend
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First Aid For Your Furry Friend!

Ever wondered if there's a way to prepare for disaster with your animal? I know I have. Having a puppy has made me even more aware of how necessary it is to have certain things on hand at home in case of emergency. From bug bites to bee stings…
Nothing Is Guaranteed
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In Life, Nothing Is Guaranteed

There are no guarantees in life - isn't that the truth? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and keep coming to the same conclusion. As much as I'd like to be able to guarantee a certain outcome, in life you just can't do that. The…
Building Immunity
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Building Immunity

Lately there's been a great deal of discussion regarding animals that consistently get sick. Most of the blame has been put on the weather and allergies, however, that doesn't explain why only certain animals are affected. Much like…