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First Aid For Your Furry Friend!

First Aid For Your Furry Friend

First Aid For Your Furry FriendEver wondered if there’s a way to prepare for disaster with your animal? I know I have. Having a puppy has made me even more aware of how necessary it is to have certain things on hand at home in case of emergency. From bug bites to bee stings to eating a touch of chocolate, the hazards of the home are endless! As fall rolls around, it’s time to prepare for the unpredictable, which is exactly what you can do with a homemade first aid kit. Check out what our Pet Beastro experts have to say on the subject and what they suggest you have ready just in case. All the items listed are available both in their store and online, click the hyperlinks if interested!


Creating a first aid kit for your pet may sound a little out there to some people. But if you have ever needed to use a first aid kit in an emergency situation, even once, you know better than to scoff. The reality is that emergencies call for critical care NOW and if you’re unable to provide it, you may be unable to save your pet’s life. So why not be prepared to provide emergency care for your pet as you would for yourself or your children? Being able to provide emergency care for your pet will not only give you peace of mind, but should also help out your wallet with avoiding unnecessary trips to the vet.

What to Include in Your Pet’s First Aid Kit

Your pet’s first aid kit should look pretty similar to your own. First aid essentials include basic hard goods such as a soft, flexible slip-lead, tweezers, a flashlight, gauze rolls, a needle, and nose pliers. A few packs of honey are always a good idea in case you need to help your animal ingest a supplement or homeopathic. Also include some essentials oils such as lavender, frankincense, white angelica, birch, and tea tree. Don’t forget to add your homeopathics, too! We like to include aconite, phosphorus, arnica, belladonna, and apis.

Below we’ve listed a few essential supplements that we carry at The Pet Beastro that you should always include in your first aid kit. These supplements are also all 20% OFF at The Pet Beastro both in-store and online through the end of September. If you’re shopping with us online, just be sure to use coupon code “20SEPTSUPP” at checkout!

Nature’s Sunshine Distress Remedy

Distress-Remedy-Flower-Remedy-2-fl-oz_8778This flower remedy helps relieve the emotions brought about by an emergency situation. The most important thing when you find your animal in an emergency situation is mindset. Animals can be unpredictable in these situations. To keep your animal and yourself safe and calm, you need to emotionally stabilize them. Distress Remedy addresses the emotions of anxiety, stress, and fear. The fact that this is a flower-formulated supplement means you can literally give your pet the whole bottle and experience no negative side effects, unlike more traditional medicines. Since Distress Remedy is a human-grade supplement, it may not hurt to dose yourself in conjunction with your pet if you are experiencing said emotions as well.

Buy it here at our online market.

Nature’s Sunshine Activated Charcoal

actThis is the best line of defense if your cat or dog were to ingest anything that they shouldn’t. Whether your dog ingests a rotten potato in a campground, or your kitten brings you a decomposed bird it just couldn’t resist, we suggest you reach for the charcoal. Any excessive diarrhea or other symptoms due to food poisoning can be dealt with using Activated Charcoal. The charcoal absorbs the excess toxins, while supporting the body’s cleansing efforts. Charcoal has been used time and again throughout history for food poisoning. It is the quickest and most effective way to ensure your pet’s safety when they have eaten something questionable. Don’t be surprised if activated charcoal never leaves your first aid kit once it enters it!

Buy it here at our online market.

The Honest Kitchen Pro Bloom

the honest kitchen pro bloomThis dehydrated instant form of goat’s milk is packed full of digestive enzymes and probiotics. It is shelf stable (and now even comes in a nifty metal container), which is great for traveling. Anxiety can make some dogs cooperate a little less than normal when it comes to taking their supplements and can also lower their immune system function. Not only is this a great supplement if digestive upset occurs, but it is an easy way to ensure your pet is receiving all of their probiotics and enzymes that are essential to their healthy gut function. Pro Bloom is also a great immune system builder, which comes in handy with a pet who is being exposed to different environments during a vacation. A rest stop where he found some nice stranger’s face to lick, a lake where she found a mystery poop on the beach and just had to taste it, and little encounters with the wrong bacteria can all wreak havoc on a pet’s immune system, just as they would on your own. Since you never really know everything your dog comes in contact with, why not give their immune system a boost?

Buy it here at our online market.

The Honest Kitchen Perfect Form

perfect formThis gastrointestinal supplement, which is also encased in a nifty metal container, helps soothe the intestinal tract during digestive upset due to stress or anxiety. Using this along with The Honest Kitchen Pro Bloom is a dog owners’ best kept secret. The herbal blend contained in Perfect Form has the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) seal of approval and contains no GMO’s. This herbal blend not only soothes the digestive tract and decreases inflammation, but it also protects it from future digestive upset while aiding with digestion. Also, Perfect Form helps firm up your pet’s stool if they are experiencing any diarrhea due to stress.

Buy it here at our online market.

Nature’s Sunshine Silver Shield

solSilver Shield is pure colloidal silver that should be in every first aid kit, no matter which species it belongs to. A natural occurring germicide and antibiotic, you can literally pour it into any wound, mouth, or eye that is of concern. This supplement comes in liquid and gel forms; so it’s ready for action in any situation. It is also tasteless and odorless, so no worries about your pet rejecting the flavor or experiencing any painful stinging sensations due to artificial fragrances. This supplement is certified non-toxic by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is safe for extended use, so there is no fear of metal poisoning. Silver Shield also contains antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiparasitic, antiviral, and disinfectant properties. This supplement alone can displace many others, freeing up some space in your first aid kit, yet not sacrificing the peace of mind that you need. With its ever expanding list of uses, I wouldn’t leave home without Silver Shield.

The most important item in your first aid kit does not lie within the kit itself but within your animal. A strong immune system is the best defense against any bacteria, worm, or tick. Building the immune system consists of a whole-food balanced diet, with the correct formulation of probiotics and supplements to create the environment for a healthy functioning gut.

There you have it! Simple, safe, and effective, your first aid kit is now at your disposal.

Photo Credits:
DSC_0025 via photopin (license)

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