Sammy & Snickers, Where The Tales Begin
Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Sammy and Snickers, two members of the Cole household and the best looking by far. We are here to tell you some stories our mom has been sharing with us about some of her patients. Now we will do…

Barley and Sam, senior dogs with young hearts!
Barley and Sam…two of my all-time favorite wheatons. They are furry, friendly, and full blown adorable. You’d never know it but these two are both seniors, 12 and 14 to be exact. Mentally, they are sharp as tacks, and physically they…

Trumbull and his Knuckling Under
This handsome fellow is Trumbull. He is a senior great dane that has been dealing with an unsteady gait. On occasion his front paws will knuckle under when he’s walking which will cause him to trip on himself and go down. Now when you’re…

Gibbi the Lab with Severe Back Pain
Gibbi girl here is an adorable love. She is loving and kind, and when her fur mom noticed she was in severe back pain she knew something was wrong. Gibbi was hunched up, would cry when touched, and would move her backside away from you…

Becca and her Seizure Resolution
Becca here is pretty much one of the most adorable rescue pups we have ever seen. She has captured the hearts of all those who come across her shaggy self and she’ll pretty much do anything for some extra cuddles. Becca started coming to us…

Molly the Westie Not Acting Her Age
Oh miss Molly. What can we say about you that isn’t explained perfectly by this adorable photo. She’s fashion forward, she’s true to her heritage, and she is one heck of a sparkplug. Molly started to see us because she had really…

Sir Francis the Pug Walks Again
This handsome hunk of pug is Frank, Sir Francis Oliver Poops-a-lot King of the Panty Raiders, to be exact. Frank is a teenager with the personality of a puppy. He wants nothing more than to cuddle, be petted, and basically be your best friend.…

Max the Terrier and his Bad Back
Oh Max, what can we say about this boy that hasn’t already been said. Max was referred to us because he was depending on medication and steroid injections just to get by. His fur parents saw him improve, but it would only be temporary…

Hyper and her Diabetic Neuropathy
Hyper is a lovely kitty dealing with diabetic neuropathy. She was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year and then rapidly developed the unsteady gait and discomfort associated with diabetic neuropathy. She changed her diet, her water,…

Sorella the Beagle and Protective Care
Sorella the beagle has dealt with back pain, bladder issues, and skeletal problems. She came to us originally to work on her bladder problems but found that chiropractic was more or less protective for her. This little girl is the sister…

Chi- The Yellow Lab with Hot Spots
This gorgeous lady lab is Chi, pronounced “shy”. When we first met her, she was most definitely a shy girl, very nervous and a little bit uncertain. She had been re-homed at the age of 11 simply because her previous fur parents…