
Sammy & Snickers, Where The Tales Begin
Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Sammy and Snickers, two members of the Cole household and the best looking by far. We are here to tell you some stories our mom has been sharing with us about some of her patients. Now we will do…

Why Puppy Sitting is only Acceptable in Puppies!
Is puppy sitting a bad thing? Well for starters YOU should NEVER sit on a puppy. But that's not what we're talking about! No we are talking about the way your little pooch pie sits!
Is there anything more adorable than a puppy? Sure, they…

Bella the Lab and Her Wiggly Hips and Limping
Bella is a beautiful hazel-eyed girl that was really struggling with limping. Not that she didn’t enjoy being a puppy, but she wasn’t really acting like one. She seemed to come up lame fairly regularly and walk as if her hips were really…