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Bella The Lab & Her Struggle With Seizures

Lab Struggle With Seizures

Lab Struggle With SeizuresOur latest and greatest accomplishment involves a labrador having seizures on a nightly basis. Now this pup had no history of trauma, disease, or issues in general, then out of nowhere she started having seizures every night. Her mom was so very concerned as she was a bit older and these seizures would last anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes. It seemed as though the pup was aware of herself but had no control of what her body was doing. Needless to say her mom was looking for anything that might help her baby, so she turned to our mom for chiropractic care.

Her first adjustment went very well, and was advised to be seen a bit more often because of her condition. The good news comes when we tell you that she has been adjusted four times, and by her fourth visit her mom reported that she was down to one seizure a week, that lasted about 5 minutes, and that the pup seemed much more in control than she was previously. Her mom has seen what chiropractic did for her baby and continues to have her adjusted for protection. Our mommy hopes that after a few more adjustments she will be seizure-free, and continue to improve while living out the rest of her long and happy life!

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